Lead Don’t Follow – Alpha Mentality

Ask questions, challenge your thoughts. Leaders lead by not only asking other’s questions but asking themselves questions. Challenge your views, thoughts, the opinions you have and those of others. Stop believing everything just because it’s a popular opinion or someone seems like they know what they are talking about. You might be wrong or you … Read more

Don’t Rely on Hope and Luck

Waiting for someone to save you is foolish. Take action. Often we want to believe something good is going to happen if we just keep hoping. Or maybe that we’ll get lucky. So many people make uninformed bets and poor decisions because they believe in luck. I think it’s great if you get lucky and … Read more

Find Your Purprose

The reason why your life isn’t where it should be and why you are searching for fun and excitement and some sort of meaning is because you haven’t found your purpose yet. It’s easy to list out a lot of ideas or things that can be someone’s purpose but until you know it, and you … Read more

Cut Your Losses – Alpha Mentality

When something doesn’t go your way, cut your losses. Don’t fight what isn’t for you. Whether it’s something in your life that isn’t going your way, a person that doesn’t see your point of view or perspective, or even an investment that is losing you money. Cut your losses and move on to something that … Read more

Always Be Ready – Alpha Mentality

If you aren’t ready, start. You never know when opportunity will find its way to you. You don’t have to always be ready, but I’d rather be ready than not be ready. What do I mean? I mean, be on your game. Be ready. That’s what I mean. Be ready. Don’t wait for opportunities to … Read more

Let It Go and Focus On What You Can Control

The past is the past. Yea, some things suck. But what are you going to do? Stay in the past and keep crying? No, we don’t do that. Whatever the fuck is going on with you, I want you to know, that you can’t do anything about what happened. It happened. And being honest about … Read more

How to Stop Being a Pussy

It’s time to stop being a pussy. Straight up. You’re on this page because: Damn. That was kind of funny to type, but also sad. Either way, it’s time to stop being a pussy. Why being a pussy is not good for you. If you’re always wishing for a better life or comparing yourself to … Read more

The Alpha Male Mindset – High Value

Be high value. Think high value. Know you are high value. Essentially, know your worth. If you think that others are better than you, if you are jealous of what they have, or feel like you need someone else’s approval or validation and acceptance, you are going to get stuck in a low value way … Read more

Alpha Tip: Focus on What’s Important

We have choices everyday and you likely have more than one way that you can spend you time. You have the choice to get better and improve your life, your career, your interests and your relationships, or you can let other people level up while you waste your time. It’s good to have fun hobbies … Read more