Don’t Be a Low Value Male

Do you know what it is to be low value? If you’re wondering if you are low value, you might be. If you think you’re high value, you might be low value. I have no idea.

What I do know is that low value males are losers.

Losers In Life = Low Value

  • Low value males have low self esteem.
  • Low value males have very little to offer.
  • Low value males tell you what you want to hear.
  • Low value males play it safe.
  • Low value males target other low value people to feel better about themselves.
  • Low value people are okay with cheating and lying.
  • Low value people are okay with ‘winning’ even though they lose in the long run.
  • Low value people are sneaky.
  • Low value people secretly are miserable and wish they had a better life.
  • Low value people need other’s approval.
  • Low value people lack courage.
  • Low value people are cowards.
  • Low value people end up regretting much of their choices.
  • Low value people settle in life.

Do you want to be low value?

I doubt anyone wants to admit they are low value.

Some people will talk negatively to themselves or have a negative mindset. You or someone you know may also blame others for their problems and never take accountability for what is happening in one’s life.

It’s no one’s job to save anyone.

If a person doesn’t want to be low value, it’s up to them to decide to change that.

How do you stop being low value?

You start being honest. Honest with yourself.

You look at your life, the choices you’ve made, the people you associate with, where you are in your life and what you wanted and you start making changes.

Unless you are willing to be completely honest with yourself, first and foremost, you will likely go back to whoever you were after you read this article.

To Be A High Value Male

  • Create the life you want.
  • Do things that are important to you.
  • Do things that make you happy.
  • Add value to your life. Add value to the lives of the people you care about.
  • Stop giving people access to you with the hopes you get something in return.
  • Start believing in yourself more.
  • Start building yourself up.
  • Stop looking at others to give you validation or approval.
  • Stop pursuing low hanging fruit for an ego boost.
  • Do hard things.
  • Learn. Study. Try. TAKE ACTION.
  • Be okay being alone.
  • Care for yourself.
  • Respect yourself.
  • Stop having a victim mentality.
  • Start focusing on your goals. Actually try to accomplish them.
  • Find ways to make yourself happy.
  • Help people when you can. Not when people want you to.
  • Learn how to be less emotional.
  • Learn how to communicate in healthy ways. Learn how to listen.
  • Support yourself emotionally, financially, and physically.
  • Add people to your life that compliment you, not make you.
  • Become someone that has something people desire or want.
  • Be kind.
  • Do things for yourself and other’s, not because you expect something in return but because you actually want to.
  • Stop wasting your time on things that won’t get you closer to your dreams in 2-5 years.
  • Have responsibilities.
  • Take accountability.
  • Own your faults.
  • Be a role model for others just by being you.

There are many ways to be perceived as high value. You can change how you dress, get in shape, by gaining status and showing off material items and there’s nothing wrong with any of this as long as its authentic to you.

Start small. Start today.

Low value or high value, it’s starts with you. Go from there.

Be Bold. Be Alpha. Be High Value.