How To Be Treated With Respect

A common phrase is “treat people how you wanted to be treated”… How’s that worked out for you?

I agree. Treat people with respect. And sure, treat people how you want to be treated, but don’t do it hoping people reciprocate the same level of respect or kindness you give to them.

Rather than show people what you want, teach them.

Teach people how you want to be treated.

Yes, that’s right, teach them.

Stop hoping other people see how caring and kind or respectful you are. Stop hoping they read your mind when you wish or want them to treat you differently.

We are not mind readers. We shouldn’t hope that people can realize that we want them to treat us better or differently.

If you want to be treated with respect, you have to know what you’re willing to accept. That’s the first thing.

If you’re on this page, wondering how to be treated with more respect or how you can get others to treat you better…then it’s likely you know you are being treated in a way you don’t enjoy or like but you don’t know how to solve this problem.

The first thing you need to do is know what yourself and how you expect to be treated.

What this means is figure out what your expectations are.

  • What are your standards.
  • How do you believe you should be treated.
  • How should you be viewed.
  • How should you be spoken to.
  • How should orders value you.

Once you know what you believe you deserve, you can start creating boundaries around what you are willing to accept with those you are associating with, whether it’s in your own relationships or in the workplace or anywhere else.

It’s not always about you.

  • People are allowed to do what they want.
  • How people treat you is a representation of themselves and how they feel more than about you.
  • Don’t take it personal.
  • We all interpret things our own ways.
  • What someone says and does may not be what they are intending but we may view it the wrong way.
  • Ask for clarification.
  • Create boundaries.
  • Share those boundaries and the consequences if you feel necessary (optional).
  • Better to give people a warning then to just hope they change and punish them if they don’t even know there is a problem.
  • Some people will not get it.
  • There is nothing more powerful than self respect.
  • Do more for yourself.
  • Walk away.
  • Cut people off.
  • Let people know.
  • Be unaffected.
  • Move on.
  • Associate with people that don’t bring you down.

To be continued…