What Is An Alpha Male?

A lot of people don’t like the term alpha male. Many view it as a toxic term. But fuck that. It is what it is.

Alpha male / Alpha female

If you want to be alpha, then be alpha. If you don’t like the term, then don’t use it. If you think being alpha is wrong, that’s your opinion, your choice.

Let people be.

For those that are still reading…

Being alpha is more of a mindset than anything. Of course there are traits and characteristics that will make you stand out more but if you don’t believe, then you probably aren’t.

First, let’s talk about what being alpha is not.

  • Being alpha is not about being the loudest.
  • Being alpha is not about talking down on people.
  • Being alpha isn’t about walking around with your shirt off comparing yourself to other men hoping other men check you out and say wow he’s so alpha.
  • Being alpha isn’t about bullying others.
  • Being alpha isn’t about chasing material items hoping it gives you status amongst lower value men.
  • Being alpha isn’t about getting all the girls.
  • Being alpha isn’t about making fun of others to boost your own ego.
  • Being alpha isn’t about trying hard to be something you’re not.