Only You Can Save You

No one is coming to save you. And even if they do, the help will be temporary. You need to make a choice.

If you are ready to improve your life, you will know it. You will be frustrated, you will feel stuck, you will feel like you are helpless.

The truth is, you can help yourself.

Stop waiting for someone to lend you a hand.

  • Stop waiting for someone to give you a hand out.
  • Stop waiting for someone to feel sorry for you.
  • Stop waiting for someone other than yourself to start caring.
  • Stop waiting for the right answers or the secret phrase that will change your life.
  • Stop waiting for motivation.

There’s only one thing you can do.

One thing.

That is to do something different.

  • Stop doing the same thing that you do every day.
  • Stop thinking the same way you do every day.
  • Stop looking at the same stuff.
  • Stop doing more of what doesn’t work.

You can’t change your life in a day.

It will take time.

Be honest with yourself.

You have a long road ahead. It may be uncomfortable. There will be times you want to quit. You might go backwards.

But you have a choice. And you can continue to go forwards, go backwards, stay where you are, or go two steps forward and one step back and repeat.

Figure what what your goal is. That is your purpose. That is where you find motivation.

Remember what your goal is. Envision what that feels like. Remember what you see. Each little success and failure…each little action…is making that vision come to life.

With consistent action, you’ll build something and be something. I don’t know what. But you won’t be who you are right now. And for a lot of us, that’s a win.

No one is telling you to do everything. Just little things. It starts when you are ready. Irrespective of how you feel or what you are waiting for.